Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July means harvest is coming soon!

June disappeared without me knowing it, and July is half gone too. What's with that? Did I blink?

Wherever I go people ask me about the grapes. So here is the status update, in case you're curious. The grapes are rapidly growing and maturing. We have received a ton (ok, many inches) of rain in the past few days, way more than we really needed, but the grapes continue to do well. They show no sign of rot, which is really good news since it has been so wet and humid. The berries seem bigger every day, though they are still quite small and sour. A guest tried one Saturday and pronounced it"like a crabapple". But it's early yet...
Even so, knowing that harvest usually starts in early August, we have less than a month to go. It's always exciting. And we have a few grapes, mostly noiret, that are already starting to turn color. Veraison is the proper term, and it is always an exciting time in the vineyard.

Harvest is even more exciting, and we will be calling for harvest volunteers in the next few weeks. We send out a list of dates in our newsletter, and will post it on Facebook as well. We ask that people interested in helping email us to reserve a spot. We harvest on Saturday mornings in August and September, offering our volunteer crew a true agricultural experience, followed by lunch with wine. And of course, discounts in our tasting room come with the work. We really do have a good time, and it is appropriate for all ages. We have literally had volunteers from ages 8-80 in years past.

Our other big news is about Georgia. She is a miniature bulldog puppy that Jeff adopted in the last month or so. She absolutely darling, a solid bundle of joy! Our family dog for many years was a bulldog named Chloe, and she was an amazing animal. Her portrait graces the label of Chloe's Cuvee. Georgia isn't related but she looks like she could be. She is often out at the vineyard, so come by and see her (if you're a dog person).

In the meantime, stay cool!